Reflections on Your Future Self

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: I have read about the idea of working with my future self to overcome my current problems and gain a glimpse of a path forward for my life. Is this a viable strategy, or am I just deluding myself?

A There are seven major visualization mindsets for the future that people adopt. We can describe them and discuss their implications for successfully dealing with life issues—or not dealing with them, and getting lost instead on fear, rage, projection, and delusion. Here are the seven major future visualization mindsets:

  1. Planned future self – You make a decision about what you are going to do. You identify the steps you need to take to reach that objective. You do each sequential behavior required until you reach this goal. In this perspective on the future, you are clear about what you want in your future, and you take constructive action to achieve it.
  2. Idealized future self – You imagine your future self as having overcome any problems you are having, and it can advise you on how to overcome them. This type of visualization of your future self is used in psychotherapy and hypnotherapy to help you make positive behavior and attitude changes.
  3. Fear-projected future self – Here, you cannot see any positive outcomes in your future and you worry about the bad things that might happen to you. This type of envisioning of your future self is associated with severe anxiety and depression.
  4. Anger-projected future self – In this mindset, memories of people who hurt you or traumatized consume you—whether these events actually occurred or you believe misinformation about these people. You obsess about how you will destroy them and get your revenge for them hurting you. This vision of the future is associated with acts of violence and hateful attitudes towards others that you believe injured you or persecuted you, or who are vitiating what you hold dear or sacred.
  5. Negative transmogrification – In this scenario, you see yourself deteriorating and becoming a subhuman monster or completely non-functional. This picture of your future self is associated with psychosis or degenerative neurological diseases. You anticipate the future with dread and horror.
  6. Positive transmogrification – In this lens on your future, you visualize your body becoming filled with light, and you believe you will become so pure you will bodily ascend into heaven. New Age teachers disseminate this miraculous future vision of yourself, which is associated with beliefs about ascension, operating from a fifth dimensional platform, and instantly manifesting whatever you desire.
  7. Developmental future self – In this way of seeing your future, you recognize your body-mind matures over time, and you meet a new set of developmental challenges as you move into each new segment of your life. Erik Erikson’s theory on each developmental stage describes these life segments and the challenges you will face in them. In this way of looking at the future, you deal with your current issues. You learn the lessons of these problems: you master them and move on to the next set of developmental milestones. You can get an intuition of the challenges that await you in the future as you mature; however, you focus on overcoming the current concerns that you are dealing with in your life.

You may find that you operate in one of these modes of envisioning your future self. Three of these modes lead to achievement, acceptance and patience, and reception of guidance about how you can move into actualizing your dreams:

Scenario one is realistic, and enhances your ability to take responsibility and achieve the goals you set for yourself.

Scenario two can be therapeutic and can help you change if your visualized future self has some genuine wisdom and guidance to share with you—and this future self with whom you dialog is indeed wiser, more masterful, and more mature than you are now.

Scenario seven gives you a roadmap of the actual steps of growth you will make in your life, as you mature, provided you overcome the challenges of each stage of your life.

Four of these modes of visualization of your future can generate greater suffering, more problems and entanglements, despair and hopelessness, and delusion:

Scenarios three, four, and five are negative visualizations of the future that are associated with the emotions of fear and worry, anger, and horror. If it is possible for you to shift into the perspective of scenarios one, two or seven, you may find you are able to better manage your current issues more effectively—instead of inhabiting very primitive and ineffective mindsets that give rise to worry and anxiety, depression, hatred and violence, or horror and dread.

Scenario six is predicated upon utopian fantasies, which are rarely realized in your life. These visions arise from imagination: they assume that supernatural forces will manifest miraculous things in your life. This worldview presumes you are a god-like being who can create anything you want in your future. These fanciful visions of manifestations are often founded upon you taking the steps to actually achieve what you desire; in this mindset, however, it appears to you that this is a supernatural creation.

This magical mindset appears to work sometimes; at other times, it leads to disappointment and motivates you to question how you are blocking or sabotaging the manifestation of the elements of the idealized future you desire.

In general, it is best to use constructive action; and to have the patience to recognize that once you master your current life challenges, you will have greater wisdom, ability, and understanding to share with others—and you will function at a higher level in your life. Additionally, if you visualize a wiser and better self in your future, you can listen to its counsel to guide you in the next steps for your life.

If you adopt visualization mindset six, we recommend you verify whether your practice of intentional manifestation is actually working, so you may not delude yourself with magical thinking.

What are the Seven Stages of Spirituality?

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: In your writing you speak about the seven stages of spirituality. Can you describe what those are?

A: In Mudrashram®, we track the development of the ensouling entity through seven stages:

  1. Subtle Realm
  2. Planetary Realm
  3. Transplanetary Realm
  4. Cosmic Sphere
  5. Supracosmic Sphere
  6. Aligned Transcendental Path [this is one of the Transcendental Paths among the first Transcendental Path and the fifth Transcendental Path]
  7. The Bridge Path, the remaining Transcendental Paths among the first Transcendental Path and the fifth Transcendental Path that were not opened at stage six, and the sixth and seventh Transcendental Paths.

You begin your spiritual journey with your cutting edge of spirituality at one of these seven stages. For most of humanity, their cutting edge of spirituality dwells in stage one (Subtle) or stage two (Planetary). A few, very rare individuals may have their cutting edge of spirituality in stages three through seven.

We teach people how to unfold their ensouling entity from where they are today on the Great Continuum of Consciousness through their current stage of spiritual development through each higher stage in our intermediate meditation classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. This process of progressive unfoldment culminates in the experience of the Infinite Stage (Param Moksha Desh). [As of May 18, 2023, 14 Mudrashram® students have completed their journey to the Infinite Stage, with more on the way.]

Octaves of Voices that Inform Decisions

By George A. Boyd © 2023

Q: I hear different voices when I attempt to make a decision. What inner voice should I rely upon? I feel conflicted as to what guidance I should follow.

A: When you look at the levels of voices within you that can inform your decision making, there are ten major levels:

  1. The voice of fear – When you act from this level, you avoid, make excuses, lie, and run away.
  2. The voice of prior conditioning and learning – When you act from this level, you lead an inauthentic life. You act out others’ programs for your life.
  3. The voice of madness and unbridled imagination – When you act from this level, you may distract others through entertainment and humor; you tell stories and hide your genuine Self behind a facade. If you are suffering from mental illness, the voices from this level may attack you and tell you lies, which causes you untold suffering.
  4. The voice of your conscience – When you act from this level, you act on your values. You act from integrity and you develop a positive character.
  5. The voice of your Self – This is the voice that directs your behavior to accomplish your goals. When you act from this level, you take responsibility for your actions and your work to achieve your objectives.
  6. The voice of your attentional principle – You hear this voice when you hear the attentional principle’s intention or suggestion. When you act from this level, you train yourself, your work on yourself, and become aware of your issues and resolve them.
  7. The voice of your spirit – When you act from this level, love and caring express through your behavior.
  8. The voice of numinous entities – These voices derive from angels, guides, and the Holy Spirit. When you act from this level, inspiration informs your actions; you take action on faith, based on the messages you receive at this level.
  9. The voice of the Soul – When you act from this level, you carry out your Soul Purpose.
  10. The voice of the Divine Will – When you act from this level, you carry out spiritual ministry and fulfill the Divine Plan or Dispensation that God has given you. [To understand the role of a Dispensation given to a lineage holder, please see the article, “What Is a Lineage Holder?“]

You progressively shift from hearing the voices of levels one through ten, as your core identity transforms. Personal maturation comprises levels one through five; spiritual maturation consists of levels six to ten.

Your spiritual nature functions from these levels:

  • Level ten guides Initiates.
  • Disciples operate at level nine.
  • Aspirants tap into level eight.
  • Your ability to do inner work and transform your spiritual potentials works at levels six and seven.

Listen for each of these layers of voices within you: aim to recognize the source of the voice. Notice what these voices tell you.

When you dissolve the conflicting guidance from these different levels of voices, you will ultimately act from the deepest level of maturation within you.

When you align the intention of your attentional principle, the wish of your spirit, and the volition of your Self at your personal octave and the Soul at the transpersonal octave—and you act in spite of fear, prior conditioning, or values that no longer serve you—you bring your deeper nature into expression.

Stages of Working with issues

By George A. Boyd ©2023

Q: I feel completely absorbed in my suffering and misery. How can I break free to meditate and begin feeling fully alive again?

A: There are seven major stages of working with your issues:

  1. Complete absorption in the issue – There is full identification with the issue; the issue governs your choices, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors.
  2. Separation of attention from the issue – This is the first sense that the issue is not your identity; your attention observes it.
  3. Monitoring – Your attention observes the issue running like a tape; it notices the choices, beliefs, emotions, and behavior of the issue arise and pass away. This is the stage of Vipassana.
  4. Inner work – You regard the issue from the standpoint of your attentional principle. You are able to use Process Meditation, Affirmation, Mandala Method, and Rainbow Technique to work with the issue to gain insight, release, and breakthrough.
  5. Self-control – Your Self begins to overrule the issue and command alternate behavior, countermand the choices embedded in the issue, and refute erroneous beliefs.
  6. Grace – You are able to call down the Light of Spirit to attune with the issue, which grants emotional comfort, healing, and reconnection with the Soul; additionally, your Self receives guidance and direction.
  7. Surrender and detachment – You surrender the issue to the Soul, the spiritual Master, and God, and you abide in obedience to the Divine Will; you carry this out each day.

You start the process with taking these steps:

  • Your first challenge is moving from identification with the issue to observing it. With further practice, you can start to observe the issue arising and passing away—at this stage, you are capable of doing Vipassana.
  • Once you are able to shift to the perspective of your attentional principle and your Self, you will begin to be able to work on the issue and wrest control from it.
  • As you are able to tap into your spiritual core, you will begin to bring in the Light of Attunement and the Soul’s transpersonal will to help you overcome the issue.

We teach the techniques for inner work in our intermediate meditation classes: the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program. Having the ability to work on the issue from a place of clarity can catalyze inner movement; eventually you will fully overcome the issue.

Exercise to Explore These Seven Perspectives

You can do an exercise to experience the different perspectives on your issue. Identify with what issue you want to work. Then ask the following questions for this issue:

  • How do I experience my issue when I am fully identified with it?
  • What does my issue look like when I detach my attention from it?
  • What do I notice about this issue when I monitor it in the present time?
  • How does my attentional principle view this issue? What tools do I have to work on this issue from my attentional principle?
  • How does my Self view this issue? How does my Self interface with the issue? From this higher standpoint, can I begin to control the issue’s behavior and beliefs, and overrule its choices?
  • If I call in the Holy Spirit or my spiritual guides or Masters, what attunements can I send to work begin to heal this issue?
  • How does my Soul regard this issue? What abilities, love, and knowledge does it have that can change and ultimately overcome the issue?
  • If I surrender this issue to the Divine, what do I need to do live with the issue until I am freed from it?