Keys for dealing with depression

Dealing with Depression: Some Lessons from Music

By George A. Boyd ©2016


When you are depressed—“D-pressed”—you need to switch to another key. When you’re stuck in D, you keep looking at how bad things are and what isn’t working.

So first you need to C—to see—what the issue is. So, you inquire, and you gain some understanding. You begin to C what is making you depressed.

After you do this for some time, you start to C sharp—you see clearly what is bothering you.

Then you need to play your E. When you feel joy and delight, you go EEEEE! E is the sound of delight! You need to focus on what brings you joy, the good things in your life, the beauty around you, and what evokes feelings of gratitude.

The problem for many people is that their E is flat—E flat. They aren’t in touch with their joy; they only remember their misery. So you need to re-focus on your E—your inner joy and gratitude, the things that make you go Yesssssss!

The other thing people who are depressed don’t realize is that have their F. So these are your options, F I do this instead, I don’t have to be D-pressed. When you shift to your F mode, you look at your options—what you are able to do right now, as opposed to what you can’t do. When you focus on what you can do, you can move, you can shift. When you focus on what you can’t do, it keeps you depressed—D-pressed.

The other mode is the F sharp. Your F sharp supplants the questioning F mode, which is where you look at F I do this instead. When you are functioning in F sharp, you say “F-you” to your obstacles and you are determined to press ahead. You get mad, and you resolve to not let your problems get in your way.

Then there is G. When you go G—gee (!)—You realize something. You have an insight. You put two and two together. You connect the dots. You uncover the mental patterns of beliefs and feelings that are making you feel depressed.

When you shift to G sharp, you discover the origins of your depression. You find the original decision that made you feel depressed.

Then there is A. When you go “A”—you greet your friends—“A, how’s it going!” You get some support. You don’t hang out alone. You seek the solace of loving friends and family—which cheers you up! You feel you aren’t alone. You feel that somebody loves you and genuinely cares about you.

The problem is, for many people, their A is flat—A flat. They don’t believe their friends will be there for them.
But you have got to decide that you’re going to find a true friend, who won’t judge you or criticize you for being depressed. Instead, they will encourage you and listen to you. Because a friend like that—who can give you unconditional love and acceptance—can make you feel there is hope again.

Then there is B. People don’t realize that there is a place inside of them where they can just be. You don’t have to do anything, you can just B. You might not be able to change things right now, so you can let them B.

When you are in B—the state of being, the place of now—you take a step beyond your suffering. You experience what is. You don’t resist your experience. You are open, accepting of what is, present, and mindful.

A difficulty for many people, however, is that their B is flat—B flat. They have come to associate being with boredom. But actually, if you can truly B, it is freeing and renewing.

What’s the last time you let yourself be? Without having to do anything? Without having any deadlines to meet? Without having 30 things to do on your to-do list? Without mentally obsessing about all the things you still have to get done? And you can just B present?

Well, helping you to use these other keys is the specialty of meditation teachers. They teach you to see—C. They show you how to get in touch with your joy—E. They guide you to contemplate your options—F. They give you methods that will promote insights—G. They lead you to discover your deep, silent, wise, and powerful being—B.

So honey, if you are D-pressed, remember you have all these other keys. These are exactly the keys you need to need to get out of your depression: to see (C), to feel your joy and gratitude (E), to examine your other options (F), to make the decision to change (F sharp), to gain insight (G), to seek support (A), and to tune into that part of you that dwells beyond the suffering, that abides in peace (B).

In this peace, there is also another key. It’s the bridge to the C of the next higher octave, Compassion. It’s this deep wellspring of compassion inside of you that can love you so much, that your depression feels like it is melting away, and you can just be in peace.

Please note: these are self-help measures. If you are so seriously depressed that you cannot implement them, you cannot engage in the activities of your life, you are obsessed with hurting yourself or hurting other people—you need to see a mental health professional right away.

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