Ways People Complete Things

By George A. Boyd © 2013

As 2022 draws to a close, I wanted to share an article that discusses incompletion. As you review the goals and resolutions you set for 2022, you may notice that you may have not accomplished a certain percentage of what you intended at the beginning of the year. I wanted to share with you some ways you can do a better job of completing the goals you set for 2023—and to gain some insights into what may have been sabotaging you fulfilling your resolutions. I extend our best wishes for a better year in 2023.

One of the major issues many people have is completing or finishing issues that occur to them. These issues may take the form of:

  • A loss, which is not resolved, which leads to unfinished grief and regret
  • A betrayal or violation, which evokes rage, and a desire for revenge
  • A traumatic experience, such as incidents that occur in a relationship, through molestation, through crime, through a terrorist incident, through a natural catastrophe, or in a war
  • A failure or embarrassment experience, which makes a person not wish to try that endeavor again
  • A fearful experience, which leads a person to avoid the object or person that made him or her afraid
  • A goal left incomplete, which rankles for completion—for example, not completing a college degree
  • A creative project left unfinished, with a strong desire to finish it

People resolve these unfinished issues through several methods:

Enactment relies upon deliberation and decision to promote change. In this method, you identify what goals or actions have been left undone, and take purposive and intelligent actions to finish the goal; you persist until the goal is completed.

Understanding and communication employs dialog and listening to work with your issues. Those who adopt this approach listen to your pain, grief, rage, and shame, and acknowledge it. It uses understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness to allow you to process through the feelings, work through them, and release them. Counseling and psychotherapy use this method.

Finding solutions seeks to find an answer through reviewing potential solutions and options. This method identifies the problem, and attempts to find solutions for it. It may look at different options to solve the process, explore outcomes of those choices, and facilitate a decision to act on one of the choices. This is called the problem solving approach; work teams and inventors commonly exercise this strategy.

Mindfulness adopts observation and process to promote insight and release. This method simply allows the mind to become aware of each traumatic issue or painful feelings, to fully experience them, and let go of this. Forms of psychotherapy that teach clients mindfulness-based solutions make use of this method.

Active remembrance and release applies process meditation or free association to uncover deep issues hidden in the unconscious mind. This method focuses on a selected issue and keeps attention upon it—this may be elicited by a repetitive question, or an inquiry as to what is associated with a theme. The issue is processed or explored until its origin is located, and the person can release it, and re-create a new intention for that theme. Variations of this approach are found in Scientology™ or other “transformational trainings” that use process meditation; Psychoanalysis and its offshoots adopt the inquiry or free association method.

Invocation of spiritual assistance primarily utilizes prayer. This method invokes the Holy Spirit, or the intervention of an angel or a spiritual Master. This method calls upon the Light of etheric and emotional healing to minister to the wounds of the heart.

Transformation takes two forms: personal and spiritual transformation:

Personal transformation approaches use perspective shift, acting from another frame of reference, confronting fear or limiting beliefs, uprooting excuses and making a firm commitment to deal with the issue, facilitating realization or “aha moments,” experiencing breakthroughs or “personal wins,” or courageously doing that which is risky or scary.

Spiritual transformation uproots the karmic seeds that underlie these unfinished issues, using techniques that lead the spirit to open the inner channels of Light and Sound (the Nada), and/or to unfold the Soul and its vehicles of consciousness through methods like Bija mantra or Kriya Yoga, or through Light Immersion methods.

If people do nothing, or simply take medication to make the bad feelings go away temporarily, the issue will not resolve. If they put off dealing with the issue, it will not be finished. If they avoid the issue, it will not be ended. If they make excuses about the issue, or blame others, it will not be worked out. If they delude themselves about what the problem really is, they will not be freed from its continual rankling. If they continually think about the problem, but don’t take action, the issue will remain incomplete.

People don’t complete things because they don’t use the tools designed to help them complete things. If you use these tools effectively and resolutely, you will finish these issues and move forward in your life.

If you don’t use them, you will remain stuck in the past—in the morass of should have, would have, could have, I regret that, sorry that I didn’t, must not have been meant to be—and all of the other mental quagmires that impede your forward progress towards success and fulfillment.

Some of these methods you can learn to use and do for yourself; others may require the assistance of a professional counselor or therapist. Realize that if you do not take action on these issues and work to resolve them, however, they will continue to hound you until you finally resolve them and finish them for good. May you summon the courage and resolve to not be bound another day by these incomplete issues of your past.

Concerning Transformation on the Four Poles

By George A. Boyd © 2020

Q: I’m not clear about how transformation works in your Integral meditation system. I’m aware that if I do the mantra my Guru gave me, my cosmic consciousness moves closer to Brahman and God Realization every day. How is your approach different?

A: In our Integral meditation system, we recognize there are three distinct types of transformation: spiritual, perceptual, and personal.

Spiritual transformation includes:

  1. Pole One – Unfolding of your cutting edge ensouling entity from nodal point to nodal point along its spiritual evolutionary track. This is called Initiation.
  2. Pole Two – Your spirit opens the Nadamic channels and unites with the reflection of your ensouling entity in the Nada. [In the Transcendental Sphere, your spirit can unfold your ensouling entity through a meditation process we call shepherding.]
  3. Pole Three (A) – This is the track of balanced development. As the ensouling entity unfolds, each seed atom and nucleus of identity aligned with the ensouling entity unfolds in synchrony, in perfect correspondence to the ensouling entity on each Plane.
  4. Pole Three (B) – This is the track of imbalanced spiritual development. In this scenario, one or more seed atoms or nuclei of identity unfold outside of the axis of being, out of synchrony and alignment with the cutting edge ensouling entity.

Perceptual transformation includes:

  1. Upper Pole Four – Moving the attention and attentional principle to selected focal points in the Conscious, Subconscious, Metaconscious, or Superconscious mind awakens awareness, and opens a new perspective. The ability to reframe or revision life issues and personal problems is important for catalyzing the process of change.

Personal transformation includes:

  1. Lower Pole Four – This comprises the activity of your personal integration centers, your ego in the Conscious mind and the Self in the Metaconscious mind. Personal transformation comprises changes in your behavior and life.

Examples of personal transformation include:

  • You change your behavior and habits to improve your health and serenity
  • You learn methods to lower your stress
  • You change your emotional reactions, so don’t get upset as often and you are better able to cope with the challenges of life
  • You change your values and character, so you treat others with respect and kindness
  • You change your ability through acquiring new knowledge and skills
  • You change your ability to carry through on your objectives, so you are more effective at reaching your goals
  • You are able to better deal with anxiety, compulsions, and depression through gaining insight and moving forward in your life
  • You attain your personal dreams through persistent constructive action

We show you how to generate each of the balanced types of transformation in Mudrashram®.

In the Mudrashram® system of Integral meditation, we teach you spiritual transformation upon poles 1, 2, and 3a—and how to avoid the imbalanced approach of pole 3b.

We also show you how to bring about perceptual change through Raja Yoga, which operates on upper pole 4.

We give you tools to work on the issues of your personal life for lower pole 4, to help you generate personal transformation.

You learn these methods in our intermediate meditation classes, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

While the meditation you are doing to unfold your cosmic consciousness is blissful, and brings a downpour of revelation, immersion in Divine Love, and awakens your dormant powers in the First Cosmic Initiation, what you are actually doing is adopting strategy 3b, where you are unfolding a nucleus of identity outside of the cutting edge of spirituality.

In our Integral meditation system, we do not immediately begin unfolding your cosmic consciousness. Instead we unfold it in synchrony with your Astral Soul and its other centers, and with each other octave of being.

Rather than isolating your cosmic consciousness, and moving it along its track through the First Cosmic Initiation, out of alignment with the rest of your being, we unfold it concurrently. While our system is more complex, we work on all our poles—poles 1, 2, 3a, and upper and lower 4—so you avoid creating spiritual imbalances. And that, in a nutshell, is the difference between these approaches.

The Spectrum of Personal and Spiritual Transformation

By George A. Boyd © 2018

Many coaches, motivational speakers, meditation teachers, channelers, and sundry other New Age practitioners promise their clients “transformation” to achieve their dreams, to actualize their potential, and to make their “Ascension”—without truly understanding the full spectrum of potential personal and spiritual transformation.

In the Mudrashram® system of Integral meditation, we describe for poles of being. These poles are:

Pole one – The ensouling entity or Soul

Pole two – The individual spirit

Pole three – The spiritual forms or vehicles of consciousness that the Soul animates and controls, through which it expresses its love, wisdom, and ability—these are the higher aspects of spiritual emotion, intuition, and the aspects of transpersonal volition that operate in the Superconscious mind

Upper pole four – The attention and intentional consciousness (attentional principle) that witness human life and can commune with the other three poles of spirituality through meditation

Lower pole four – The matrix of human life that operates through the unconscious mind and the three mental fields that comprise the personality—the Conscious mind, the Subconscious mind, and the Metaconscious mind; the personal integration centers of the Self (Metaconscious mind) and the ego (Conscious mind) govern and direct these aspects of mind through the personal aspects of volition.

The modalities for transformation operate on one or more of these poles of being. Many of those who purport to offer transformation to their clients and meditation students are not aware that other types of transformation exist outside the type(s) that they have experienced and share with those they coach, counsel, and teach. It is important for those who seek to transform others—and those that believe transforming is something that they should do—to be aware of the entire spectrum of potential transformation. Here are eight major types:

  1. Personal transformation – this changes aspects of your personality into something better than you experience now. This type of transformation takes place on lower pole four. These aspects are parts of you that you want to change, you believe change is possible, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure this change happens. This change can take place at the level of:
    • Behavior – you learn new skills that enable you to do the things you want that you aren’t able to do right now.
    • Habits – you change habits that are unhealthful or unproductive into habits that support your health and optimize your productivity.
    • Attitude – you shift from holding a pessimistic, hopeless attitude to an optimistic and hopeful one.
    • Belief – you alter your beliefs about what is possible, so you believe that you can reach your goals and achieve your dreams.
    • Values – you identify what is truly important in your life, and you align your actions, speech and thinking to align with these core life priorities; you begin focusing on your priorities instead of doing things that waste time.
    • Perception – you modify your mindset about what you can do, be, and have as you change your perception of who you are and what you have the capacity to become.
    • Knowledge – you educate yourself to enable you to enter your chosen career and to enact your life purpose.
    • Choice – you make new choices and don’t let fear or worry hold you back from fully living your dreams.
    • Identity – you come to experience yourself as someone who is more empathic, skillful, competent, effective, courageous, and capable of delivering results.
  2. Rebirth – you achieve rebirth through moving your attention and/or attentional principle into union with a spiritual essence—a nucleus of identity, spirit, or ensouling entity—and sustaining your union with this state until you fully identify with it and it begins to govern your values, beliefs, and behavior. This is the transformation typical of upper pole four. Once you become identified with this essence, you begin to direct your personality from this spiritual identity. This type of transformation is typical of
    • New Age aspirants who identify with the Star Seed on the Psychic Realm
    • “Born again Christians” and Jews affiliated with mystical sects who identify as the Moon Soul nucleus of identity
    • I AM Movement members who identify with the Mighty I AM Presence nucleus of identity within their Solar Angelic form
    • Disciples of Yogi Preceptors who identify with their cosmic consciousness nucleus of identity in the First Cosmic Initiation
    • Students of Light Masters who identity as the cosmic soul awareness nucleus of identity
    • Chelas of Cosmic Masters who identify as the Astral Soul (a higher octave ensouling entity)
    • Followers of Supracosmic Path Gurus, who identify with the Supracosmic seed atom of that Path
    • Devotees of Transcendental Path Sat Gurus, who identify with the spirit on that Transcendental Path
  3. Superconscious integration center unfoldment – you produce transformation of a vehicular seed atom or nucleus of identity through practicing a transformational method that unfolds this essence. This is pole three transformation. This moves the vehicular seed atom or nucleus of identity out of alignment with the axis of being, and reinforces identification with this integration center of the Superconscious mind. Examples of this type of transformation include:
    • Taoist martial arts practitioners who unfold the Subtle Etheric seed atom though using the Microcosmic Circulation technique
    • New Age aspirants who unfold the Star Seed on the Psychic Realm with the Merkaba method
    • Christians and Jews affiliated with mystical sects who unfold their Moon Soul nucleus of identity using specialized mantras or Kriya-Yoga-like methods
    • I AM Movement members who unfold Mighty I AM Presence nucleus of identity within their Solar Angelic form using specialized decrees
    • Disciples of Yogi Preceptors who unfold their cosmic consciousness nucleus of identity in the First Cosmic Initiation utilizing Kundalini Yoga, mantras, Kriya Yoga, and Light Immersion
    • Students of Light Masters unfold their cosmic soul awareness nucleus of identity using mantras and Light Immersion
    • Followers of Supracosmic Path Gurus, who unfold the Supracosmic seed atom of that Path through Kundalini Yoga, mantras, Kriya Yoga, and Light Immersion
  4. Transformation generated through movement of the spirit – this practice is typical of Paths in the Transcendental Sphere, which drive transformation through having the spirit open the inner channels of the Nada. This is pole two transformation. Examples of this types of transformation is found on:
    • Transcendental Path One (T1) – Followers of Subud Masters open the channels of the Nada and receive Light Immersion to make progress on this Path and unfold their ensouling entity.
    • Transcendental Path Two (T2) – Disciples of Sant Mat Sat Gurus open the channels of the Nada and follow the inner guide form of their Master to make progress on this Path and unfold their ensouling entity.
    • Transcendental Path Three (T3) – Devotees of the Avatar and the five Perfect Masters open the channels of the Nada and receive Light Immersion to make progress on this Path and unfold their ensouling entity.
    • Transcendental Path Four (T4) – Those that Paradise Masters initiate open the channels of the Nada and receive Light Immersion to make progress on this Path and unfold their ensouling entity.
    • Transcendental Path Five (T5) – Chelas of ECK Masters (Mahantas) open the channels of the Nada and use specialized mantras to make progress on this Path and unfold their ensouling entity.
    • Transcendental Path Seven (T7) – Premies of the T7 Sat Guru open the four channels of the Nada on their Path and receive Light Immersion to make progress on this Path and unfold their ensouling entity.
  5. Transformation of an ensouling entity with its associated vehicle of consciousness – These transformational practices move an ensouling entity along its track. This is pole one transformation.
    • Occult Adepts awaken the Kundalini to move the Soul Spark through the Subtle Realm and guide it to rise through the Occult Initiations.
    • Adepts and Adept Masters use Light Immersion to move the Soul and its vehicles and confer Planetary Initiation.
    • Agni Yoga Yogi Preceptors and Cosmic Masters bestow Light Immersion to translate the Astral Soul and activate its vehicles of consciousness; advanced forms of Kriya Yoga (Kaivalyam Kriya) or a specialized mantra (Cosmic Divine Name) are also used to selectively unfold the Astral Soul.
    • Selected Supracosmic Gurus unfold the Supracosmic Soul through Light Immersion, Kriya Yoga, and targeted mantras.
    • The Avatar and Perfect Masters on T3 employ Light Immersion to unfold the ensouling entity of this Path.
  6. Coordinated transformation of selected spiritual essences though alignment with a template for transformation – This type of transformation is very rare: we have seen it applied in only one instance. This is mixed transformation of pole one and pole three at different bands of the Continuum of Consciousness. In the Risen Christ Yoga that my first spiritual teacher promulgated, he bestowed Light Immersion to unfold the Astral Soul, the God consciousness nucleus of identity, the Avataric consciousness nucleus of identity, the cosmic consciousness nucleus of identity—each Cosmic Sphere spiritual essences; the Monad (a higher octave ensouling entity of the Transplanetary Realm); and the Mighty I AM Presence nucleus of identity, the Moon Soul nucleus of identity, and the seed atom on the Psychic Realm in the Planetary Realm.
  7. Integral transformation at one band of the Continuum of Consciousness – this is partial Integral transformation as it operates on one band of the Continuum only. It unfolds the ensouling entity (pole one), the spirit (pole two), and the essential vehicle of the Soul and its associated vehicles of consciousness (pole three), together with guiding the attentional principle into union with the Soul (upper pole four). We are aware that this is practiced in two instances:
    • Certain Adepts and Adept Masters use Light Immersion and Guru Kripa Yoga to unfold the Soul Spark and Soul in synchrony with the spirit, the vehicles of consciousness, and the attentional principle in the Subtle and Planetary bands of the Continuum.
    • Integral or Guru Kripa Yogi Preceptors use this same schema of balancing the four poles of the Astral Soul to guide Integral spiritual development during the First Cosmic Initiation.
  8. Integral co-resonant development – This combines Integral transformation at the cutting edge of spirituality with simultaneous and synchronous unfoldment at each octave of being. This unfolds on all four poles of being, not only at the level of your spiritual growing tip, but also at each higher octave of being. This is the form of transformation that we teach in our intermediate meditation courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

You can drive transformation through personal effort, using choice and commitment to effect personal transformation; you can also employ a transformational technique to produce spiritual transformation. Grace can also drive spiritual transformation through Light Immersion. Integral Light Immersion is called Guru Kripa Yoga.

Regular Guru Kripa Yoga operates at one level of the Continuum, and unfolds all four poles of being in synchrony. This is characteristic of transformation type seven.

Adi Guru Kripa Yoga unfolds all four poles of being in synchrony at each level of the Great Continuum of Consciousness—Subtle, Planetary, Transplanetary, Cosmic, Supracosmic, and Transcendental. This generates co-resonant development. This produces transformation type eight.

In addition to the tools to support personal transformation you learn in our intermediate meditation courses, our practical meditation training that our Introduction to Meditation instructors are authorized to teach provide additional tools for personal transformation. Our upcoming coaching modules will give you still more methods to work with your issues and transform them.

We invite you to study these different types of transformation and identify how you can generate personal and spiritual transformation that resonates with your inner sense of truth, and feels appropriate for your current stage of growth.

We point out that spiritual transformation types two through six, which work on only one pole of being or on multiple poles without promoting Integral synchronous spiritual development, commonly yield imbalances. We recommend that aspirants embrace Integral meditation strategies for optimal outcomes in their quest for spiritual progress, while avoiding the pitfalls of transformation methods emphasize spiritual development on only one pole.

Formative Experiences

By George A. Boyd ©2017

A formative experience is one that shapes identity, life narrative, and your sense of the world—whether it is safe or threatening; whether you are an effective change maker in your life or you are largely at effect of your circumstances. There are seven major types of formative experiences:

  1. Trauma – This is an event, or series of events, that take place where another person, or a catastrophic natural phenomenon, harms you, and teaches you that other people, or the world is not safe. The psychological repercussions of this event include lasting fear and vigilance towards any similar occurrence. You feel a need to protect your body, family and loved ones, and your possessions from a re-occurrence of this event. If another person has perpetrated this event, and you assess their motivation to be malevolent, trauma can also spur anger, rage, and a powerful drive for revenge.
  2. Acknowledgement – This is an experience when someone truly sees you, hears, you, and lets you know you are known. Acknowledgement is the key to you owning your authentic Self; it gives you permission to be who you are. When you are acknowledged, you feel loved and known—this can be a very healing experience, which can help you rebuild your self-esteem.
  3. Successful performance – This is the first time you do something on your own. Think back to when you first rode a bike or a car on your own, or first gave a public speech. Successful performance builds confidence, a sense of competence and efficacy, and expands your capability. Successful performance enhances your self-esteem and brings healthy personal pride.
  4. Spiritual awakening – This typically have this experience during a mystical or peak experience, or a near death experience, where you discover you are a conscious essence beyond the body, and you awaken as your attentional principle, your spirit, or your Soul. Spiritual awakening introduces you to the immortal principles within yourself—and if you do not slam the door shut out of fear—this deeper aspect of yourself will reveal its gifts, and bestow upon you an intuition of a greater purpose or mission.
  5. Academic or vocational calling – This occurs when you read something in a book, watch a video, hear a lecture or attend a class, or observe someone perform the actions of their career, and you realize that this topic or career you are encountering or witnessing is what you want to study and do in your life. This discovery of your academic or career track happens when you recognize this is what you genuinely want to do. Excitement and enthusiasm mark this discovery: it makes you want to learn all you can about this topic or this career.
  6. Awakening of faith in God – Faith arises when you encounter a universal or cosmic being that appears to you to be omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, and you choose to establish a relationship with this being. Encountering this being awakens feels of reverence, devotion, awe, humility, and love for this being. Those who follow religions and spiritual groups in which there is a ritualized tradition of worship develop faith. Faith shapes their whole lives through inculcating moral values, encouraging specific prayers and meditations, and encouraging the practice of ceremonies or rituals that deepen identification as a member of that group.
  7. Transformation – There are two types of transformation: personal and spiritual.
    • Personal transformation is a radical change in your personal life or circumstances that you attribute to the guidance or coaching of another person or a miraculous, supernatural phenomenon. You can also initiate personal transformation through your choice to establish new habits, to operate from an alternative mindset, and to do things in a new and better way.
    • Spiritual transformation takes two major forms: rebirth and movement into a new state of being.
    • Rebirth is a change of perception of who you are. Rebirth occurs when you receive an attunement—receiving the Holy Spirit, Shaktipat, or Light Immersion—that brings your attention into union with a spiritual essence. Depending on the attunement you receive, this spiritual essence can be your spirit, a nucleus of identity, or an ensouling entity. In rebirth, you experience that this essence is your true nature. The rebirth experience can also be generated when you listen to the retelling of a mystery tale, or you receive formal diksha—the conveying of meditation instructions that enable you to gain union with a spiritual essence.
    • Movement of your spiritual essence to a new state of being, which is called Initiation or Samadhi, occurs when your Soul—or other spiritual essence—progresses along its track into a new nodal point. This unfolding bestows new knowledge; new love, understanding, and virtue; and awakens heretofore dormant abilities. [We teach you how to generate spiritual transformation in our intermediate courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation, or the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.]

These formative experiences become a permanent part of your life story.

  • If you have one or more traumatic experiences in your life, your life story may have to do with how you are coping with the aftermath of that experience, or how you have learned to overcome it.
  • If it is acknowledgement that changes your life, you may be on a mission to acknowledge, validate, and empower others. Many therapists, counselors, healers, and coaches trace their choice to enter a helping profession to their own experience of being truly loved, known, and accepted.
  • If successful performance has changed your life, you may be an advocate of performing successful action and establishing a track record of success. You may believe that you can set goals and achieve whatever you visualize. You may have gone on to achieve career and life success and wealth through implementing this key life strategy.
  • If spiritual awakening has dawned in your life, you may have completely transformed how you live, how you see the world, and to what you now commit your life. Spiritual awakening may radically transform your priorities.
  • If you have had clear insight into your academic or career calling, you typically have followed that lead to gain the education and training that enables you to do that as your life’s work.
  • If you have had the awakening of faith, you may have felt led to join a religious or spiritual group, which has instilled new values and reformed your character, shaped your beliefs and behavior through adherence to the principles of your faith’s scriptures, and inspired you to attempt to commune with the spiritual being your worship through prayer and meditation.
  • If you have undergone personal transformation, you have undergone changes that have completely revolutionized your life.
  • If you have undergone spiritual transformation, your worldview, and every aspect of your Soul—or other spiritual essence you are transforming—has expanded into a deeper, wiser, and more loving state of being.

It is important to reflect upon what were your formative experiences, and how they have shaped who you are today. Some people have several formative experiences. Some have only one. A few people have never had one of these major formative experiences.

  • What formative experiences have you had?
  • How did this experience impact your life? Affect your spirituality? How is your life or spirituality different?
  • Have your formative experiences had negative consequences in your life? How?
  • Have your formative experiences produced positive outcomes in your life? In what ways has your life been improved or enhanced?
  • If you had not had this formative experience, how would your life be different?
  • What new strengths or abilities have come to you as the result of your formative experiences?
  • What new insights did your formative experiences provide for you?
  • How have your formative experiences influenced your relationships, your career, or your life direction?

Formative experiences can be a powerful catalyst for change and growth. However, in some cases, when these experiences are negative, they can cast a shadow upon everything in your life. How you use the opportunity a formative experience provides you can open your life to new possibilities that make all the difference in your life and spirituality.

May you be rightly guided to utilize these experiences to gain maximum benefit.

What Transformation Do You Offer in Mudrashram

By George A. Boyd © 2017

Q: Let me ask you Oprah Winfrey’s question: “What transformation do you offer?”

A: We offer five types of transformation in Mudrashram®.

  1. Soul transformation – We teach others to speed up their spiritual evolution and to unfold their Soul. They do this through using a transformational mantra and Light Immersion that we teach them.
  2. Individual spirit transformation – We teach others to awaken their spiritual heart and travel in the channels of the Nada until the spirit returns to its Divine Source. They achieve this through practicing Nada Yoga.
  3. Spiritual form transformation – We teach others how to activate each of their vehicles of consciousness and to bring their intellectual, creative, spiritual potentials into full expression. They learn how to do this though meditating on the forms as they tune up in synchrony with the unfoldment of the Soul using Raja Yoga, and raising the Kundalini into union with the Soul.
  4. Perceptual transformation – We teach others to shift their attention to activate their three immortal principles—attentional principle, spirit, and Soul—and how to move attention into the states of Enlightenment and Gnosis.
  5. Transformation through empowerment and skill acquisition – In addition to teaching others to work on themselves spiritually to accelerate spiritual evolution, bring about spiritual salvation, and actualize their spiritual potentials, we also teach them practical skills to work on their personality. We show them a variety of techniques to access the Subconscious, Metaconscious, and Superconscious mind. These methods assist them to actualize their goals, overcome their obstacles, and to rehabilitate their ability to be effective and achieve results.

While the first four types are experienced immediately, and progressively unfold your spiritual potentials with each new meditation that targets that aspect of being, the fifth type is ongoing and developmental.

For example, if you want to achieve your goals, there are several steps to translate them into action:

  1. Inventory – You find out what you truly want through inner process and introspection.
  2. Identify priorities – You ascertain which of your desires are essential for you to live a full and meaningful life. You recognize your key desires that make your life worthwhile, and label them as “A” priority.
  3. Path – You determine what actions you will need to take to make these core desires become real. You clearly define this as a goal you wish to achieve.
  4. Plan – You break down the actions into a step-by-step plan.
  5. Action – You work on the first step and make incremental progress towards your goal.
  6. Ongoing feedback – You notice what hinders your forward progress towards your goal, and find solutions to overcome those hindrances, and implement them. You focus on what is working and continue to make progress in that aspect of your plan. You continue to monitor what is and what is not working.
  7. Attainment – You finish the last step and attain what you have wanted to be, have, do, or experience. This successful achievement of one of your goals allows you to operate on a new plateau for this area of your life.

We discuss this process of goal setting and achievement in greater depth in our book, The Practical Applications of Meditation in Daily Life and Education.

For overcoming obstacles, there are similarly steps to work on each issue that hinders your forward progress and achievement of success. We noted in step six of goal achievement that you need to identify what holds you back or what you encounter that is difficult. For each obstacle, there are a variety of methods you can use to engage with it and resolve it.

  1. Identify the issue – Get clear as to what exactly your issue entails. Is it a lack of belief? Resources? Support? Lack of knowledge? Is it external or internal?
  2. Interact with the issue – For internal problems that are getting in the way, dialog with the issue as it is personified in your mind as a subpersonality. Use dialog and inquiry methods like the Rainbow Technique that we teach to find out more about the issue.
  3. Process the issue – You trace where this issue originated using process meditation, which we teach. You uncover what emotions, beliefs, perceptions, or choices hold it in place, again through process meditation, or through one of our evocative methods called the Mandala method, which allows you to gain insight into the layers of your issue.
  4. Go to the core – Focus your attention upon the issue and experience what it is like to be this part of you. Focus on its shape or form, its core feeling, and location in your body. Use the Rainbow Technique to uncover its core essence—what it is really.
  5. Transcend the issue – Lift your attention into the wave of the present time, and contemplate this issue from the perspective of your enlightened Soul. Process and release the issue as it arises into this enlightened state of awareness.
  6. Re-choose and re-create – From the Soul’s perspective of empowerment, choose a new outcome, scenario, belief, or possibility. Use reframing, affirmation, faith, and affirmation—view it in a new way that enables you to change.
  7. Dissolve and integrate the issue through transformation – When you complete your inner work with the issue, you experience transformation and integration. Genuine personal transformation dissolves the issue, so its pattern ceases to operate, and a new, more positive pattern replaces it: you change. The latent abilities, wisdom, and strengths that were buried in the issue become reintegrated into the Self, and you can function in new ways: you integrate the issue.

We teach these methods to work with personal issues in our intermediate courses, the in-person Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation, and the by-mail and online Accelerated Meditation Program.

To be effective and achieve results, you undergo the process of learning and developing a skill to the point of mastery. This developmental process has several steps:

  1. You begin to learn the skill – You learn the theory about the skill. You practice the skill. You make mistakes, and correct them.
  2. Habit formation – You practice the skill until you can do it automatically: it becomes a habit.
  3. Innovation – You find ways to improve your performance of the skill. You use inquiry (what if) and experimentation to see if you can do it better. You may seek the assistance of a coach or mentor to help you improve your results at this stage.
  4. Gain insight – You discover the core components of the skill, and enhance your ability to utilize the skill, so that you excel and achieve peak performance in it.
  5. Mentor others – using the insights you have gained, you teach others how to use the skill. You might teach a class or write a book at this stage. You become an expert.
  6. Challenge yourself – Continue to set higher benchmarks and work until you can achieve them.
  7. Become a master of the skill – At this stage, you clear the channel of this ability to your Soul. Once this occurs, your Soul can express its gifts and genius through you, and you become an instrument of the Soul’s purpose.

You develop proficiency and mastery of skills through long practice, obtaining mentoring and coaching, and the process of continually motivating yourself to extend this ability. You achieve this mastery by focusing your attention upon this skill track and exploring whether you can do it better, what are the key elements of the skill, and continually aspiring to discover what greater demonstration of this skill is possible.

In Mudrashram®, we assist our students to gain mastery of meditation, but this basic framework applies to any skill that is a core part of your career and your life’s mission. We help our students gain mastery of meditation through training them in introductory, intermediate, and advanced meditation classes, supplemented with books, webinars, and additional courses to help them gain the deepest insight and proficiency in meditation—this ultimately readies them to teach and initiate others.