Level 2

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Our Level Two In-Depth Webinar Series
Master Level Two In-Depth Webinar Pass 113 Selecting this option gives you access to all nine  of our Level Two In-Depth Webinars that are available to Level Two members.

Because our Level Two In-Depth Webinars are three to five hours in length, these are stand-alone webinars available for those in this membership area. We have attempted to keep the costs low, and still provide you cleaned and edited versions of the original webinars. Because of the extra length, they do cost more than other webinars, but they offer an unparalleled immersion in its subject, which is not available in our shorter, 60-90 minute regular webinars. (Master Level Two In-Depth Webinar Pass)
The Way of the Heart Workshop 114 The purpose of this workshop is to deepen your understanding of your spirit, your spirit's path, and how your spirit opens this path. In part one of this workshop, you will focus on contacting your spirit. The way of your spirit is a devotional, wordless path of love. In this workshop you will approach the sacred heart within you experientially, through a series of explorations using techniques of meditation.
The Kundalini Workshop 115 This workshop has been developed to give you a deeper understanding of the Kundalini Shakti, how it operates, and how it manifests in your daily life and in meditative states. You will learn the rudiments of activating it and controlling it. We will do a variety of meditations to explore the kundalini so you can gain a clearer experiential grasp of this powerful energy.
The Agni Yoga and Attunement Meditation Workshop 116 The objective of this workshop is to give you an experiential grounding in the experience of Agni Yoga, and its root tradition of Attunement Meditation. In this workshop, we go more deeply into the seven practices of Agni Yoga. We hope to help you gain a clearer understanding of what attunement meditation is and how it works. We have noticed that this topic is still not too clear for many of those who have encountered this material, and it is only briefly introduced in our meditation classes—we greatly expand upon in this webinar.
The Advanced Vipassana Workshop 117 In the new Advanced Vipassana Workshop, we have added some current material to enhance the original workshop. We have also included artwork to help those who take this workshop as a webinar be able to visualize the focal points that Swami Prem Dayal revealed to us when he introduced Raja Vipassana meditation to humanity. We will first familiarize you with what Vipassana is, and then, explain some of the dynamics of Vipassana. After that, we  jump into the core experience of the workshop, which is largely meditation—you journey through the Continuum from the Conscious mind to Satchitananda.
The Advanced Raja Yoga Workshop 118 This workshop was developed to give you a deeper understanding and mastery of Raja Yoga.  The key skill developed in Raja Yoga is the ability to travel on the inner Planes as the attentional principle using a technique called direct projection. Subsequent disciplic work is founded upon the chela's mastery of this basic technique. This workshop will focus on expanding this ability to use direct projection to explore the inner vehicles and realms of consciousness, and alternative pathways for projection and inner discovery.
The Missing Techniques Workshop 119 In the articles, “The Seven Chords of Jnana Yoga,” and “The Seven Chords of Jnana Yoga Revisited,” we mention that there are some additional techniques subsumed under the fourth and fifth chords of Jnana Yoga that are not taught in either the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation, or the Accelerated Meditation Program. We teach all of those techniques in this workshop.
The Dreaming Mind – Moving Beyond the Dream 120 In this webinar, we discuss your dreams—your dreams of the night, and your dreams of the day. We explore how you can derive the meaning of your dreams of the night, so you might understand them. We also examine your dreams of the day, and the process by which you make them real. Finally, we discuss passing beyond the dreams of the day, and of the night, into the Eternal—which is ever awake.
A Primer on Meditation Mastery 121 We developed this workshop with an aim to assist people who meditate reach deeper states of meditation, to more readily acquire inner vision, and to take a more dynamic role in activating their spiritual faculties. The purpose of this workshop is to train you to meditate more effectively.
After reviewing the basic functions of meditation, we explore the types of inner maps of consciousness and how to use them in meditation.
We introduce the Subplane map to help you gain greater clarity on where you are on the Path, and what are the markers and identifying phenomena that enable you to locate where your attention is. We teach you seven different methods for uniting with the Soul. You also learn
  1. The technique of Atma Samadhi, which will move your meditation practice to profound new levels
  2. The Soul’s Journey meditation to trace your Soul’s progress
  3. The “What’s New?” meditation to track changes in your awareness
You also learn about the Great Mandala of Meditation, which will help you identify what stage of meditation you have reached, and what is your objective.
Consciousness Studies Workshop 122 In the Consciousness Studies Workshop, we examine consciousness through different perspectives. We explore the nature of attention, and train you differentiate the attention from the functioning of the brain, and teach you the process of focusing and directing the attention. We reveal the thread of consciousness and teach you how to trace it. We teach you to use structured landmarks to explore the levels of consciousness, and how to meditate on the seven bodies—physical, etheric, astral, causal, mental, higher mental, and Soul. We explore the chakras for each of the seven bodies.
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The Seven Rays Series
The Seven Rays Complete 124 Select this option to purchase access to all nine Level Two Topical Webinars in The Seven Rays Series.  (The Seven Rays Complete)
Making Things Happen – Exploring Your Will and Intention 125 In this webinar on the First Ray, we help you gain a greater understanding of what are volition, the spirit’s wish, and intention. We explore the differences between the active role of planning and goal setting with the passive role of prayer, affirmation, visualization, and faith. We detail the 13 obstacles that get in the way of achievement and manifestation. We teach you a process to get in touch with your power, and to tap each active transpersonal octave of the will. You learn an invocation to invoke the Ray Lord of the First Ray.
A Question of Desire 126 Many aspirants, who are exposed to teachings derived from Hindu and Buddhist sources, are taught that they must root out all desires to gain Nirvana or Moksha. While this is correct at certain levels, it is not true at all levels; because of the confusion this topic has spawned, we wish to shed some light on it so you can understand it better. We trace the connection between desire and the seven layers of karma. We detail the four types of karma, the seven types of desire, and differences between personal and spiritual desire. We explain the four approaches to working with desire. We show you which desires you must maintain and which you must eliminate. We teach you how to monitor your desires, and how you can work with them. You also how learn to meditate on Liberation (Moksha or Nirvana).
Developing Wisdom and Compassion 127 In this webinar, we explore the Second Ray, the Ray of Love Wisdom. We detail the seven expressions of wisdom and compassion. We discuss the seven ways that ignorance perverts wisdom and compassion. You learn to meditate on the sources of wisdom and compassion within you. You learn a process to observe and uproot the sources of ignorance within you. You learn an invocation to invoke the Ray Lord of the Second Ray, the Buddha, and the Christ.
Intelligent Activity and Purpose 128 This webinar clarifies what is intelligent activity. We detail the seven different types of behavior, and how you discover what is your Soul’s purpose. You learn how to meditate on the 14 centers of functional purpose. We teach you to how translate the intuition of your purpose into action. You will learn five meditations on intelligent activity and purpose You learn an invocation to invoke the Ray Lord of the Third Ray.
The Wisdom of Nature and the Tao 129 Paradoxical, irrational, and irreverent, the mysterious Fourth Ray guides us through metaphor, poetry, and koan. A koan is a saying that points to a mystery, like “Show me your face before you were born,” or “What is the sound of one hand clapping?” The koan is used in Zen Buddhism to bring about insight and enlightenment; those who are unfamiliar with the non-intellectual approach of the Fourth Ray find themselves completely perplexed and confused. You will learn to meditate upon Nature, your form on the Planes of Etheria, the Temple of Art, the body of a thousand eyes, and the Temple of Wisdom. You learn an invocation to invoke the Ray Lord of the Fourth Ray.
Gaining Exact Knowledge of Your Spiritual Nature 130 We detail personal and transpersonal sources of knowledge. We explain what is a scientific approach to spirituality, and contrast the empirical scientific approach with a metaphysical scientific approach. You learn the process of studying your own vehicles of consciousness, and how to discern real experience from imagination in meditation. You learn an invocation to invoke the Ray Lord of the Fifth Ray.
Idealism and Devotion in Spiritual Life 131 Idealism, in your personal life, is at the root of your modeling upon and emulation of others: by holding select individuals as your ideal, you strive to become like them. It can spur you to be your best and to do your best, and to continually improve yourself. In the spiritual life, this idealism is directed to your spiritual Master: you seek to attain the same spiritual state as he or she has achieved. In your spirit, this expresses as love for God and yearning to be with God, or to unite with God—this aspect of spirituality, we call devotion. In this webinar, we detail the seven keynotes of the Sixth Ray, and you will contemplate these qualities. We explore what it means to be a relational being. We trace how the filter of belief conditions your experience of reality. We discuss what it means to encounter God, and describe the methods for invocation of God. You will learn to create your own devotional rituals to express your love and gratitude for God. You learn an invocation to invoke the Ray Lord of the Sixth Ray.
Ceremonial Magic in Spiritual Life 132 The Seventh Ray is called the Ray of Ceremonial Magic. It works on the premise that the right combination of forces will produce exact results. Like a symphony, each instrument must play the right note at the right time; the Seventh Ray looks to the coordination of all of the Rays to produce the optimal outcome. In this webinar, you will learn about the expressions of the Seventh Ray. You will learn what comprises ritual magic and the creative power of manifestation as they are used at different bands of the Continuum. We discuss how the attentional principle uses the power of creation. We meditate on each of the faculties of the attentional principle to show you how to activate your power of creation. We also explore Sacred Geometry and Pathwork. You learn an invocation to invoke the Ray Lord of the Seventh Ray.
An Overview of the Seven Rays 133 In this webinar, we explore how the Seven Rays manifest in the Planetary Realm, and what are the qualities of the Soul Ray, the Personality Ray, the Mental Ray, the Emotional Ray, the Etheric Ray (the ambient or environmental influence), and the Physical-Etheric Ray. We give you an overview of the Seven Rays, so you can view their activity in context. In addition, we show you the seven contexts through which you can experience the Seven Rays. We teach you the qualities by which you can recognize the expression of the Seven Rays. You will meditate on the Seven Rays to identify the Rays with which you resonate at each level.
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The Adventures in Pinda Series
The Adventures in Pinda Series Complete 134 Select this option to purchase access to all 22 Level Two Topical Webinars in The Adventures in Pinda Series(The Adventures in Pinda Series Complete)
Transcendental Functions 135 This webinar explorestranscendental functions, which represent those aspects of the human psyche that provide a doorway into the Superconscious mind.  These functions arise from the personal and transpersonal bands of the mind, giving rise to so-called exoteric and esoteric methods of accessing the Superconscious mind.  You will learn about the conduits to the Superconscious mind from the Conscious mind and from the chakras, and you will meditate on each of these pathways.
The Centers below Waking Awareness The Mystery of Dreaming, Unconsciousness, and Death 136 When you begin meditation, you start at the medulla center, which we call the center of waking consciousness, or the ground state of the attention. Below this center, there are additional centers of awareness that operate in the liminal states of dreaming and unconsciousness.   This webinar explores these levels of the mind; explains what are the states of consciousness; clarifies terms that we use in meditation; and reveals where attention goes in liminal states. It shows you the method of remaining awake within, even though you are asleep; and explains the processes of unbroken consciousness (Turiya) and conscious death (Maha Samadhi). It also examines the different perspectives on what survives death. You will meditate on the liminal states within you.
The Waking State of Awareness: Studying Its Vehicle of Consciousness 137 This webinar details the elements that make up a vehicle of consciousness. You learn how to study and meditate upon the sub-centers that make up the vehicle of consciousness at the waking state of awareness. You learn how to discern the markers that allow you to gather information about this vehicle of consciousness, and others. The webinar teaches you seven methods for withdrawing attention from its seat in the medulla center. The webinar also details perspectives of the Seven Rays for each sub-center at this level.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Points 2 and 3 (Movement Center and Sensory Center) 138 This webinar examines the vehicles of (1) awareness of movement and body position and (2) the environmental or external senses. We discuss how you from the awareness of observing the brain to contemplating an inner vehicle of consciousness. We explore the three gazes, by which your attention controls what you experience in meditation. We reveal the three ways attention interacts with the content at each level of the mind. You study and meditate upon the sub-centers that make up the vehicles of the awareness of movement and position, and the field of the senses. You learn about the process of sensory withdrawal, or Pratyahara. We detail the Seven Ray perspectives for both focal points.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Points 4 and 5 (Body Awareness and Feeling Center) 139 This webinar examines the vehicles of (1) awareness of deep body sensations and (2) the feeling center. You learn progressive muscle relaxation, the cellular awareness technique, mindfulness of sensations within the body (Physical Vipassana), and meditation upon the physical seed atom. You will study and contemplate the axis of the glands, the axis of the organs, the axis of the brain, and the axis of life force. You learn about the process of Quickening, where the Light tunes up the brain, your organism and your glands. You study and meditate upon the sub-centers that make up the vehicles of body awareness, and the feeling center. You learn about the emotional aura, what is an attachment bond, and you will contemplate the emotional seed atom. We detail the seven ray perspectives for both focal points.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Points 6 and 7 (Mental Center and Ego) 140 This webinar examines the vehicles of (1) mental center and (2) the ego. You will study and contemplate the behavioral command center, analogical reasoning, and reason. You learn mindfulness of mental commands, monitoring the sphere of analogical reasoning, and contemplating the rational mind. You will learn to differentiate the ego (me) from the Self (myself) and the attentional principle (I). You will learn about the seven egoic rays, and how this impacts behavior and perception. You will explore the shadow, the cord of faith, and the animal spirit. You study and meditate upon the sub-centers that make up the mental center, and the ego. We detail the seven ray perspectives for both focal points.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Points 8 and 9 (Preconscious and the Subconscious Gateway Center) 141 This webinar examines the vehicles of (1) the Preconscious center and (2) the Gateway center of the Subconscious mind. You will learn to meditate upon the meaning of experience, how to access the memory recall function of the Preconscious, and to contemplate the Voidness of consciousness. We discuss barriers to the Subconscious mind, and techniques that enable you to surmount that barrier. You study and meditate upon the sub-centers that make up the Preconscious center, and the gateway center. We detail the Seven Ray perspectives for both focal points.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Point 10 (Memory and the Personal Unconscious) 142 This webinar examines the vehicles of (1) Memory and (2) the Personal Unconscious. We trace the present time in memory, the first conscious memory, birth, conception, and the atom of eternity. We discuss constructing your autobiography, muscular armoring, and the seven tracks that run through memory and the personal unconscious. You will learn to focus on muscular armor, and retracing your issues. You study and meditate upon the sub-centers that make up this zone of memory and the personal unconscious. We detail the Seven Ray perspectives for both focal points. You learn to differentiate between the Preconscious, memory, and the Personal Unconscious.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Point 11 (The Subconscious System of Chakras) 143 This webinar examines the chakra system of the Subconscious mind. Within the chakras of the Subconscious mind are several key sub-centers that are crucial to Transcendence meditation—the methods to activate them are taught in the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the Accelerated Meditation Program. These sub-centers include (11a) the seat of the Kundalini, or Kanda (perineal center), (11b) the Life force center (medulla chakra), (11c) the seat of the attentional principle (pituitary center), (11d) the doorway to the spirit (pineal center), (11e) the reflection of the Soul’s state of spiritual evolution (brain chakra), and (11f) the mirror of the origin of the Soul (Jyoti chakra). You will also study the Swastika center (11g), which is a center that is also coordinated with the Soul’s spiritual development—this center dwells at the top of the portion of the spinal tube (Sushumna) that has been opened. You learn to meditate on each of these centers.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Point 12 (The Astral Body of the Subconscious) 144 This webinar examines the astral body of the Subconscious mind. Within the astral body are the astral chakras; the astral senses; the astral ability to move, which is directed by intention; the astral eye of intuition, and the astral brain. You will learn how the astral body responds to your suggestion, about out of body experiences You will study and meditate upon the sub-centers that make up the astral body. We detail the seven ray perspectives for the centers of the astral body.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Point 13 and 14 (The Causal Body, the Toruses of Purpose, and the Eight Petalled Lotus) 145 This webinar examines the causal body, the 13 toruses of purpose, and the eight petaled lotus center of the Subconscious mind. These are the deepest centers of the Subconscious mind. They mirror your development in the Supracosmic Sphere and on each of the 12 Nadamic paths. You will study and meditate upon the causal body, the toruses of purpose, and the eight petaled lotus center. You will learn about the currents that connect the attention with the inner Guide.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Point 15 (The Etheric Body of the Metaconscious mind) 146 This webinar will examine the etheric body of the Metaconscious mind. The etheric body of the Metaconscious mind is the master switchboard that links the executive functions of the Metaconscious mind with the Subconscious mind. The etheric body of the Metaconscious mind has the faculties of perception, ideomotor movement, physiological functioning, memory, the etheric octave of will (habit), and integration of these faculties with the Self. You will also learn about the etheric atom of the Soul. You study and meditate upon each of these faculties in this webinar. You will learn about the nadis and the etheric chakras, and the five ways the Self uses the etheric body, and you will meditate on the etheric body to discern each of its functions.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Point 16 (The Desire Body) 147 This webinar examines the Desire Body of the Metaconscious mind. The Desire Body of the Metaconscious mind is the aspect of your mind that allows you to make long-term commitments. The Desire Body of the Metaconscious mind has the traits of tenacity, perseverance, commitment, dedication, willingness to face hardship and adversity, and standing up for your values and faith. Those who are successful have learned to use the dynamic force of their desire body to magnetize their goals and to do whatever is necessary to achieve it. You will study the Desire Body and learn two methods to meditate upon it. You will learn to activate your commitment to your goals, and the differences between personal and spiritual commitment.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Point 17 (The Persona) 148 This webinar examine the Persona of the Metaconscious mind. The Persona of the Metaconscious mind is the aspect of your mind that allows you to use social skills and humor. The Persona of the Metaconscious mind permits you to express yourself in ways that are appropriate in varying social situations; to establish friendships, romantic relationships, and business partnerships; to set limits in your relationships; to express caring, empathy, and sensitivity; to express different aspects of humor; and to express your spiritual nature through the personality. You will study the Persona and learn two methods to meditate upon it. We detail the Seven Ray perspectives that operate through the Persona. You learn about the three zones of expression through the Persona, the 72 social skills, and the possibility of extending the channel of knowledge that leads beyond the Persona to states of direct insight and union.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Point 18 (The Conscience) 149 This webinar examines the Conscience of the Metaconscious mind. The Conscience of the Metaconscious mind is the aspect of your mind that allows you to formulate values and standards, and to hold yourself and others to these standards. You will learn about introspection, values clarification, and values acquisition. You will study the Conscience and learn two methods to meditate upon it. We detail the Seven Ray perspectives that operate through the Conscience. You will also explore the Conscience in its role as the First Chord of Jnana Yoga.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Point 19 (The Concrete Mind) 150 This webinar examine the Concrete Mind of the Metaconscious mind. The Concrete Mind of the Metaconscious mind is the aspect of your mind that allows you to plan and carry out your goals and objectives.

The Concrete Mind visualizes the completed goal image, sets up strategic and tactical plans to achieve it, schedules, itemizes items to be accomplished, and checks them off as they are accomplished. It permits organization of your time, your action, and your resources to achieve maximum efficiency of your efforts.

The Concrete Mind is the aspect of your Metaconscious mind that enables you to work and to function as an adult in your society, carrying out your duties and responsibilities. You will study the Concrete Mind and learn two methods to meditate upon it. We detail the Seven Ray perspectives that operate through the Concrete Mind. You will also explore the role Concrete Mind plays in actualizing your goals.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Point 20 (The Intellect) 151 This webinar examine the Intellect of the Metaconscious mind. The Intellect of the Metaconscious mind is the aspect of your mind that allows you think abstractly and to solve problems using the intelligent and organizing functions of the Intellect.

The intellect comprises the learned strategies for manipulating abstract concepts.  The intellect is developed by formal education; its skills increase as you increase your academic development. You will study the Intellect and meditate upon it.

We detail the Seven Ray perspectives that operate through the Intellect. You will also explore mandalic reasoning, and the four tracks that operate through the intellect that allow you to understand conceptual knowledge.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Point 21 (The Personal Intuition) 152 This webinar examines the Personal Intuition of the Metaconscious mind. The Personal Intuition of the Metaconscious mind is the aspect of your mind that allows you to check in with each level of your personality to know what that part of you is experiencing.

The Personal Intuition can be extended to other people to sense what they might be feeling or experiencing. In this function, Personal Intuition augments your ability to feel empathy for other people, and to understand their experience and motivations. You will study Personal Intuition and learn two methods to meditate upon it. We detail the Seven Ray perspectives that operate through Personal Intuition. You will learn the Polling technique.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Point 22 (Personal Volition) 153 This webinar examines the Volition of the Metaconscious mind.  Volition, or Personal Will, of the Metaconscious mind is the aspect of your mind that allows you to direct each level of your personality and to coordinate your activity to accomplish specific objectives.

We will discuss the role of Volition in the context of authority, when it is used for intimidation, and when the higher octaves of your Will overshadow it. You will study Personal Volition and learn to meditate upon it. We detail the Seven Ray perspectives that operate through Personal Volition.

You will study and meditate upon the role of Will in directing life force, the seven types of influence of the Will through the vehicles of consciousness, and the practice of turning your inner vehicles on and off.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Point 23 (The Self) 154 This webinar examines the Self, the integration center of the Metaconscious mind. The Self ties together all the functions of your personality—the Conscious, Subconscious, and Metaconscious mind—is, in the words of Roberto Assagioli, MD, a center of “awareness, will, and joy.”

You will study the Self and do two different meditations upon it. You review the seven Centering techniques, discover their benefits, and learn the uses for each one. 

We detail the Seven Ray perspectives that influence your Personality Ray, and the subdominant tracks that connect with the Self.
An In-Depth Exploration of Your Vehicles of Consciousness: Focal Point 24 (The Voidness of Consciousness, or Being) 155 This webinar examine the Voidness of Consciousness or Being, the passive or resting state of the Self. This is the highest center of the Metaconscious mind. It is a center of peace and serenity; abiding in it, you feel as if you are one with the space that contains everything.

You will study the Voidness of Consciousness, and you will learn seven methods to meditate on Being in this webinar—techniques that we do not teach elsewhere.

We detail the Seven Ray perspectives that operate through Being. You will also explore the practical uses of the Void, as these have been cultivated in Asian cultures, and explore the Void as it appears in Zen and Taoist traditions.
Personality Development and Integration 156 This webinar explores what constitutes healthy personality development and how personality integration occurs. You will meditate on what areas you need to develop and what aspects of your nature need to be integrated into your personality functioning.

We discuss what brings about personality deterioration, and the seven reasons it fails to develop. We detail the seven differences between functioning in the Conscious mind and the Metaconscious mind.

We explore the role of reflection and learning on constructing the personality, and how the higher functions of the Metaconscious mind augment personality functioning. We explain the process of personal and spiritual integration, and the seven step through which this process occurs. You will meditate on your next steps for personal development. You will explore working with non-integrated aspects of your personality.
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The Karma Series
The Karma Series Complete 157 Select this option to purchase access to all six Level Two Topical Webinars in the Karma Series(The Karma Series Complete)
The Three Modes of Karma 158 This webinar gives you a comprehensive overview of what karma is and how it expresses. We explain what are the sattwic, rajasic, and tamasic modes of karma; and methods to change your perspective and thinking that impacts the choices—and thereby, the karma— that you create.

We explore the expression of karma as the law of cause and effect, and detail the spheres of karmic reaction. We meditate on action, word, and thought, and trace its impact through these spheres. We locate the origination of karma through the 13 focal points of the will. We discuss the periodicity of karma, which ranges from instant reaction to delayed reactions spanning vast cycles of time.

We clarify how karma is stored as accretions in the unconscious mind, and how it expresses from this reservoir. We uncover the mystery of destiny karma, how it is stored on the helix of the mind, and how this karma expresses in seven different ways. We show you how to identify what is the expression of Pralabdha (destiny) karma. We describe what are Sinchit, Kriyaman, and Adi Karma. We show you karma’s role in innate Soul Purpose, Expressed Soul Purpose, Domain Purpose, and Life Destiny.
The Ego and Karma 159 In this webinar, we explore the ego’s role in karma. We locate the neurological underpinnings of the ego. We study the ego as you can experience it through the perspectives of the Seven Rays. We explain what is the egoic seed atom, how the ego is progressively changed through spiritual evolution.

We trace how new karma is created, and how spiritual development gives you the option to function from higher aspects of your being. We explain the way in which we become liberated through doing action under the guidance of the Divine Will, and explore seven ways to get into touch with this guidance. We clarify the role inspired discourse (Satsang) plays in correcting and reforming the ego.
The Question of Destiny 160 In this webinar, you will learn to discern what parts of you are free, and what parts are bound. We go into greater depth into the seven layers that make up destiny karma, and why our interventions at this level do not eradicate it.

We explore the five destiny patterns. You contemplate each level of your mind to identify in which areas of the mind you are free, and in which areas you are bound.
How Does Karma Express in Your Life? 161 In this webinar, we explain karmic consequences for different karmic issues (retribution) and how you overcome these consequences (atonement). We discuss how Initiation transmutes karma, and describe how three Master teachers oversee a disciple’s spiritual development. We guide you in a meditation on the 17 seed thoughts to help you gain a more comprehensive understanding of karma.
A Continuing Exploration of Karma 162 In this webinar, you learn about the seven stages of working with karma, beginning with awareness and culminating in dissolution and fulfillment. We discuss how working out karma parallels the strategies to uproot addiction; how you process karma via meditation; how karma expresses across the Seven Rays, and how you experience it at the different levels of being.

We identify the seven types of sinful actions that darken your consciousness, and how sin is healed. You will learn about the structure of karma, and what happens when Masters  lift karma from their disciples.
Taking on the Sins of the World 163 In this webinar, we describe how Masters work with and assume the karma of others. We will also give information about the mystery of Crucifixion, and its multiple presentations on the higher Planes. We explain the seven ways an advanced Initiate works with karma. We identify the seven ways karma can be assumed on behalf of other individuals. We also detail the seven postures of ministry in the Transcendental Hierarchy, and the role of the savior who assumes karma for others.

 We contemplate the archetype of the crucified Christ and explain the functions of each chakra in that form. We also show you the other seven archetypes of crucifixion, and the zone of their effective ministry. We reveal the nine levels at which karmic patterns embed in the unconscious mind, and how transmutation burns away these patterns.
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Discipleship and Spiritual Development Series
The Discipleship and Spiritual Development Series Complete 164 Select this option to purchase access to all 17 Level Two Topical Webinars in the Discipleship and Spiritual Development series.  (The Discipleship and Spiritual Development Series Complete)
On Becoming a Disciple 165 In this webinar, we dispel common delusions people have about discipleship, and clarify what discipleship genuinely requires. We explain what it takes to become a disciple. You will do a self-assessment to honestly evaluate how well you have met these criteria. We explain principles and strategies to help you prepare yourself to be a disciple.

We discuss drawing down the Light of the Masters, and how we invoke the Masters of the Mudrashram® tradition. This webinar contains seven affirmations to help prepare you for discipleship.
Verifying Where You Are on the Path 166 In this webinar we reveal to you the seven different methods for verifying the location and state of spiritual development of the Soul. We discuss using horizon markers to discern demarcations on the Great Continuum of Consciousness, and identify what these markers are, so you can recognize them in meditation. You learn to contemplate nodal points and horizon markers for the Plane your Soul is on, and the markers of your Soul’s origin.
Footprints of the Souls Journey 167 In this webinar, we show you the seven levels of expression of the Soul through each nodal point of its path; we explain how this can vary from no expression through that nodal point to full expression. We explain the different forms your Soul’s expression can take. We describe what occurs when the Soul reaches its crown of purpose, and the role of the White Lotus of Immortality in purifying the remainder of the path to Liberation.

You meditate upon these seven expressions of the Soul, and learn to recognize those nodal points through which it has moderate and intensive expressions. You will learn an invocation and a mantra to invoke your Monad, and to tap into its penetrating intuitive knowledge to show you what lays ahead of you on your spiritual path.
Giving a Voice to the Soul 168 In this webinar, you will learn the seven ways the Soul communicates with you. We discuss the bridge between the speech centers of your brain and the Soul, and describe the eight layers of expression along that bridge, culminating with the ability to give inspired discourse from its core (Satsang).

We reveal the seven ways that Masters speak to awaken and initiate others. We teach you the seven steps to awaken your Soul’s inner voice. We show you how to benefit form satsang, and clarify what satsang is, and what it is not.
Understanding the Divine Will 169 In this webinar, we explain what the Divine Will is, and the different ways it expresses. We show you the eight zones of human will that comprise the zone of personal liberty, the three octaves of will that are partly overshadowed by the Divine Will, and the octaves of will that are fully merged with the Divine Will. We point out how your life changes when you choose to follow the Divine Will, and the way the Divine Will is known in the Soul. We show you six ways to contact the Divine Will.
Dispensation and Destiny 170 In this webinar, we explain the seven stages of being called to play in a lineage and actualizing it. We discuss the four stages of empowerment in the Mudrashram® lineage: the Form of the Disciple, the Mahatma, the Lineage Holder, and the Multiplane Master. We explore why some individuals who are given a calling aren’t able to attain it. We explore the key roles disciples play in spiritual traditions, and how they ensure a tradition’s continuity beyond the life of its founder.

We detail some of Mudrashram’s unique contributions to spiritual knowledge and understanding of the Great Continuum of Consciousness. We reflect soberly on the importance of disciples making a commitment to ensure that the Mudrashram® teachings are preserved for posterity. You meditate on whether you sense that Mudrashram® is in your destiny, assess to the degree you want to become involved in supporting its mission, and consider what it will take for you to fulfill your calling.
Concretizing the Souls Insights 171 For some meditators, when they contact the Soul through dialog and receptive meditation, the Soul sits silently like a sphinx—knowing, in its impenetrable mystery, the secrets of the Ages, but not revealing them. This occurs because the Soul has not activated the intuitional stream, which manifests through the thalamic center; and the octave of speech that communicates the Soul’s insights (satsang), which operates through the throat center. Once the Soul begins to communicate, meditators often find that the Soul’s profound insights are highly abstract and vague, like cotton candy. To spin down this cognitive fuzziness into something that is concrete and usable, we describe seven steps that you can take.

We reveal the seven major channels of communication with the Soul and spirit.  You will contemplate to see which of these channels are operating in you, and which are blocked. We will show you how to initiate dialog with your Soul, and how to use dialog to assess which aspects of your mind and consciousness are communicating with you. We teach you four key steps to open these blocked channels of communication with your spirit and your Soul.
Markers of Progression on the Path 172 In this webinar, we describe the eleven stages of the Path. We show you a checklist that details the skills you will need to master to become a stress reduction advisor, a meditation counselor or coach, and a meditation teacher and initiator. You do an exercise to build discernment, so you can accurately evaluate your mastery of these skills, and to determine what you need to add to be able to achieve and demonstrate your mastery.
Evocation 173 Evocation is the sum total of our human and spiritual efforts to overcome our obstacles and our suffering, to grow, to improve, to aspire to spiritual attainment, and to actualize our human and spiritual potentials. The Masters view the evocation of humanity through the window of the Buddhic Plane. They send the Light to those who express evocation; those who ask for help receive it. Jesus said, “Ask and ye shall receive.”

In this webinar we explore evocation, at the personal level, and at the spiritual level, and how the Masters respond to our evocation. We explain the minor attunements that the Masters send to minister to your needs. You will learn to detect the signals of evocation within you, and contemplate how you express your evocation; you will also study how you detect evocation in others, and contemplate upon different scenarios in which others express evocation. We explain why you send Light to the Soul during spiritual ministry, and what happens when the Light ignites the Soul.
Milestones in Inner Spiritual Growth 174 In this webinar, we discuss how spirituality awakens in Westerners, and detail what the 14 steps by which they open centers of the Conscious, Subconscious, Metaconscious, and Superconscious mind. We explain how Mudrashram® focuses on awakening the inner seven aspects of this innate pattern of awakening. We explore the seven perspectives on what drives the process of spiritual maturation, and point out the role that choice plays in stimulating this growth. You contemplate the milestones that you have achieved, and identify the factors which nurture your spiritual growth.
Beginning Your Ministry 175 In this webinar, we discuss the ministry of the Light, and how this expresses through the seven rays. We describe the process of Conscious Ministry, and how you become a Light bearer. We also explain the process of Impersonal Ministry. We contrast the differences between exoteric and esoteric ministry.

We detail the 11 major stations of Mastery on the path; and some of the more common minor stations of ministry. We identify the six inner forms of ministry that the Soul develops at different stations of the Path. We discuss expanding your mantle of ministry—your capability to do spiritual ministry— and what you will have to do to prepare for doing spiritual ministry. You will contemplate your own mantle of ministry, and track your experiences doing spiritual ministry.
The Role of Devotion in Spiritual Life 176 In the webinar, we describe how devotion dramatically changes your perspective, motivation and behavior. We show you seven faces of devotion; and identify the type of devotion that leads to spiritual progress.  We clarify how devotion expresses through the seven Personality Rays, the spirit, and the attentional principle. We contrast devotion with fanaticism. We explain how you develop conscious devotion instead of blind faith and fanaticism, and reveal the five key markers of conscious devotion. We differentiate between the types of extrinsic devotion and intrinsic devotion. You will contemplate how devotion expresses in you.
The Mystery of Ascension 177 This remarkable webinar does into common ideas about the ascension, and details the actual process by which the seed atoms of the personality are actually tuned up to a higher vibration, leading to conscious assumption of an immortal form. We explain the five forces that converge to make ascension possible. We explore the seven types of lives: ranging from conventional to full ascension. We describe the three immortal forms that Masters attain: the Ascended Master, the Form of the Lotus of Liberation, and Soruba Samadhi.
The Role of Belief in Spiritual Teachings 178 In this webinar, we explore how beliefs may obscure the Light by placing barriers before it; they may leave only a gossamer veil that invites you to encounter the essence beyond; or they may vanish altogether through immersion in the ineffable.

We will explore how beliefs are integrated into spiritual teachings, and tease out some core Mudrashram® principles that inform our approach to spirituality. We describe the spectrum of beliefs, and guide you in exploring your beliefs along this continuum. You learn about the Mudrashram® Way, and how we are different than other approaches to spirituality.
Markers of Spiritual Engagement 179 This webinar traces the varying levels of commitment and engagement in those who affiliate with a spiritual path. These describe the seven different levels of engagement.

We discuss how you can move to a deeper level of commitment to your spirituality, and to find the golden mean of integrating into your life. We explain the differences between a personal and a spiritual commitment; drill down on how to activate your commitment to personal and spiritual goals; discuss the barriers to making a commitment; and explore how you can overcome these barriers. You will contemplate your engagement with your spirituality, and your personal and spiritual commitments.
The Will of God and the Construction of Personality around Spiritual Essences 180 This webinar reveals the difference between spiritual work in tune with the Will of God, which we call the cutting edge of spirituality; and those types that enucleate around other spiritual essences at different bands of the Continuum. We discuss how initial impressions of these alternate spiritual essences develop into identification through seven steps. You will learn about the three types of mental impressions, and how these intensify to ultimately govern your life and guide all of your decisions.

We show you how you can connect with the Divine Will, teach you how to meditate on the identity affirmations through which you can contact the octave of the Divine Will within you, and point out where you where you can tap into the Divine Will at different bands of the Continuum. We explore how the Will of God becomes contextualized when one does spiritual work outside of the cutting edge of spirituality.

We identify the four scenarios of spiritual development. We discuss the four types of spiritual influence. We trace how those who work at levels not aligned with the cutting edge come under the control of one of the forms of God, angels, or a Master.
Getting the Big Picture of Planetary Spirituality 181 This webinar shows you the larger perspective of spiritual development in the Planetary Realm. You will learn about the work of the Manu and the Maha Chohan. We uncover the vision of the Chakras of the Planetary Man or Woman. We explore the White Lotus of Immortality, which enables a Soul established in its crown of Purpose to build a bridge to the Monad, and ultimately, to the origin of the Monad at the top of the Transplanetary Realm.

We also reveal the types of immortal forms that your Soul builds on the inner Planes. Many people believe that spiritual evolution in the Great Plan simply entails (a) the Soul ascends to its Crown of Purpose, or (b) simply passes through all of the stages of Initiation and drops into Liberation. While this does typify spiritual evolution for many individuals, there appears to be other patterns of spiritual development that are less widely known, and we describe these in this webinar.
Name of Webinar Information Cost Purchase
Discipleship and Spiritual Development Series part two
The Discipleship and Spiritual Development series part two Complete 182 Select this option to purchase access to all 10 Level Two Topical Webinars in the Discipleship and Spiritual Development series, part two(The Discipleship and Spiritual Development series part two Complete)
Speeding Up Spiritual Evolution 183 In this webinar, we focus on the possibility of speeding up spiritual evolution using transformational meditation techniques. Ever since Paramahansa Yogananda declared in his timeless classic, The Autobiography of a Yogi, that Kriya Yoga accelerates spiritual evolution, this has been a topic of great fascination and interest for seekers—and has led many to seek initiation into this sacred rite.

We explore the role of Bija Mantra, Nada Yoga, and Kriya Yoga in bringing about transformation, and accelerating spiritual evolution. We compare where each of these transformational methods operate, and their relative speed to effect movement to a new nodal point. We give guidelines for effective transformational technique use. We describe Kriya Yoga and the techniques that operate in the First Cosmic Initiation, and the Deathless Kriya that leads the Astral Soul to Liberation.
Nailing Down the Key Mudrashram® Practices (a two webinar set) 184 To move on to more advanced practices of meditation, aspirants must master the basics of meditation practice. For this, the student must move beyond what are initially, unclear theoretical formulations, and gain an experiential grasp of the spiritual essences that are the agents of inner change and transformation, and discern the intuitive and conative forces that permit understanding and control of the substrates of the mind. This webinar identifies what are the attentional principle, the spirit, and the Soul. It will teach you a process whereby you can shift from uncertain contemplation of this essence to clear identification.

We also nail down the elements that make up the components of the Chords of Jnana Yoga, and you will focus on identifying the form, the voice, and the felt sense of each element. You will also identify the form, voice, and felt-sense of the ego, Self, and Soul—so you can discern when these aspects of your nature are communicating to you.
You will discover the zone of your freedom and ability by tracing the track of your intention, wish, and will through each level of your mind. You will also learn how to shift your attentional perspective through the Rays.
How Do You Describe Mudrashram® to Others? 185 In this webinar, we put together a concise description of what is Mudrashram®, and how it is different than other spiritual teachings. In this webinar, we summarize some of those key points. We make this explanation simple enough for you to understand, and to convey it to others. We cover what is Integral meditation, what is the Great Continuum of Consciousness, and how we teach you to make your immortal essences the focus of your meditation.

We explain what is full personal actualization, what is unlimited spiritual growth and how this is achieved, what is the cutting edge of spirituality, and what are the differences between balanced spiritual growth and unbalanced spiritual growth. We teach you about the differences between your Soul's eternal destiny (intrinsic Soul Purpose) and the gifts your Soul channels through your personality (expressed Soul Purpose), and how you turn your personality into an instrument of the Soul.
New Perspectives on Kundalini 186 In this webinar, we will show you how better understand this powerful and mysterious energy, and give you guidance on how to integrate it into your meditations. Kundalini is the primary activating force for the third pole of spirituality, which comprises your vehicles of consciousness of the Superconscious mind. It is one of the key activators of your nuclei of identity, which are the integration centers on the third pole. We detail the role Kundalini plays in spiritual work. We explore the different ways different spiritual groups use Kundalini, and how this energy expresses on each of the Seven Rays.

We describe the interplay between the Kundalini and the chakras. We discuss the finding the right frequency of doing Kundalini meditation, and how this fits in with your overall Integral meditation practice. We explain the appropriate role of Kundalini in spiritual evolution, and the differences between Kundalini and Shakti. We give you guidance as to where and when to optimally practice Kundalini meditation, so it does not interfere with your personality functioning or your life.
Exploring New Evocative Meditation Techniques 187 This webinar introduces you to three new meditation techniques for recharging the body, and seven additional methods to work with your personal issues. We study the structure of etheric, emotional, mental, and volitional approaches for healing and problem solving, and we will discuss the seven methods for uniting attention with the Self to enhance self-knowledge and personal empowerment.

We teach you to use a self-study method that observes the material arising from the influence of each of the Seven Rays, which enables you to identify the content and function at each level of the mind that you study. This methodical vehicle-by-vehicle examination leads to progressive insights about the nature of the mind. We will use this method to explore these layers of self-help and problem solving. You will explore which of these modalities resonate with your own preferred style, and you will discover which of these approaches you predominately use.
I Am Doing My Mantra, Why Is It Taking So Long? 188 This webinar answers the question why—when when aspirants repeat their mantra, they aren’t moving ahead as quickly they expect. We explore seven reasons why this might be occurring, and suggest some specific ways to augment your spiritual progress when this delay is occurring. We explain the impact of densely layered karma on your forward progress, and detail the relative intensity of the Soul's expression at each nodal point—we note that that greater expression at any particular nodal point may require the Soul to remain at that nodal point longer.

 We clarify what are the manifolds of expression, and why this may require more mantra repetition to work through these heavier layers of karma. We also discuss when the Lords of Karma will the Soul back from spiritual progress, and when disciples creation of new negative karma effectively erases their forward progress.
Dealing with Active Karma 189 Sometimes, despite our best intentions, we find ourselves succumbing to weakness and giving into temptation, or struggling with issues about which we feel shame, and frustration that we cannot resolve them. This webinar shows you ways to work with these issues, to gain insight into them, and to either accept or release them—and to discern the failed strategies you have used to avoid dealing with them, and that haven't worked to resolve them.

You learn meditation methods from each of the Seven Rays to work with these issues, how to release these issues, and how to use evocative inquiry to get to the core of the issue. You will identify which is a critical, and which is a non-critical issue.You will look in greater depth at the failed strategies of dissociation, addiction, and going off the deep end into insanity. You will understand the role of active karma in the big picture of the Soul's Great Work.
Is It Possible to End Reincarnation? 190 In this webinar, we explore whether it is genuinely possible to end the cycles of births and deaths that are part of reincarnation. We explain the idea of transformation at the cutting edge of spirituality, and compare it with the regular cycle of reincarnation. We contrast this to spiritual transformation that is done outside this cutting edge of spirituality.

We identify what is required to finish physical, astral, and causal world reincarnation. We will clarify the three classes of guides, and who can guide one to this exalted state. We will detail the different forms of Mastery, and the levels to which these Initiates can lead the Soul. Finally, we identify what it will take for you to accomplish this Great Work.
Reflections on Thought Streams 191 In this webinar, we examine some of the factors that influence secular, religious, and spiritual states of identity. We explain what are thought streams, and how they impact identity—and their role in conversion to other belief systems. We identify the 28 thought streams that influence humanity, who people are introduced to these thought streams, how thought streams can influence them, and how to discern harmful thought streams.
My Meeting with a Master: Meditation on the Hierarchy (Special Easter Sunday Program) 192 In this webinar, George describes how he met his first teacher, the Maha Genii Turriziani, and how that impacted his consciousness and his life. He describes the powerful spiritual awakening that the Maha Genii, a Cosmic Master, generated in him—and how this also swept him into immersion into mystic trance in the higher Planes, making it very difficult to function in daily life.

You will learn what are the Offices of the Hierarchy of Light, on what Planes they can be encountered, and how you can invoke them to receive their guidance and blessings at each level where they dwell.
Name of Webinar Information Cost Purchase
Meditation Enhancement Series
The Meditation Enhancement Series Complete 193 Select this option to purchase access to all 18 Level Two Webinars in the Meditation Enhancement Series.  (The Meditation Enhancement Series Complete)
Listening Within 194 This webinar explores the ability to hear inwardly can be developed through meditation. This ability to listen within can be a source of rich insight—indeed, the deepest form of listening (sruti) enables you to actually hear your transformational mantra resonating. We explore the progression of meditation as a “felt sense” to the emergence of inner sound. We identify the different varieties of inner sound, the process of listening within, and do 13 exercises to explore inner sound, and reveal the techniques for Pratyahara.
A Question of Balance 195 We discuss balance in the Mudrashram® system of Integral meditation, introduce the axis of being, identify what are the markers of balance. You learn to meditate on the primal cross of integral balance.
Meditation and Your Busy Schedule 196 We discuss finding shortcuts in meditation, how to maximize time spent in meditation, clarifying your objective and identifying your target, withdrawing attention from the medulla center, tuning out distractions, opening the gates to the subconscious mind, recognizing where you are in meditation, keeping your attention fixed in the attentional principle or spirit, and overcoming problems with Raja Yoga and Nada Yoga practice.
Alternative Pathways to Your Spiritual Essences 197 The key to successful meditation is focusing the attention on your spiritual essences: the attentional principle, the spirit, and the Soul. The attention must journey through the bands of awareness until it becomes focused on these essences; when this occurs, you are able to do your spiritual work.

This webinar describes the different types of spiritual work. We explain seven methods to unite attention with the Soul, seven pathways to your spirit, and the seven ways to unite with the attentional principle. We teach you a centering mantra to gain union with the Soul.
Using Your Meditation Toolbox 198 This webinar describes the passive and active modes of processing in your inner vehicles. It introduces the “show me” suggestion to gather information from each vehicle of consciousness. You will explore how your suggestion influences each of your vehicles of consciousness, as compared to contemplating or monitoring its contents.
Using Chakras in Meditation 199 This webinar describes the varieties of chakra meditation. It identifies eight different ways to use Microconcentration. We discuss the uses of chakra focus in vehicular contemplation, and higher order contemplation.

You learn to contemplate the chakras of the Subconscious mind, and discern the contents of petals of the lotuses. You contemplate the centers of the Conscious mind as chakras in form which contains them. You contemplate a Subplane; you meditate upon the Master Mind form of Mastery.
We discuss how you extend this meditation so you can contemplate the all-embracing viewpoint from which the Masters view Creation.
Strategies for Deeper, Clearer Meditations 200 We discuss the four strategies that are commonly used to approach meditation, and contrast their strengths and weaknesses. We identify the groups that preferably adopt one of these strategies. We relate these four strategies to Jung’s model of the four personality types. We explain the modes of Nature (Gunas) and their influence on meditation. We describe the antidotes for overcoming each of the hindrances of these modes of Nature, and recommended meditations for each of these states.
Spiritual Essence and Language 201 In this webinar, we explore how different spiritual groups “language” their inner experiences, and how you can sort through this linguistic confusion to identify the essence to which they refer. We also clarify the differences between spirit and Soul for those who have begun the study of our teachings, and are not sure how these essences are different.

You will learn to differentiate the language used to describe the spiritual and personal essences on poles 1, 2, 3, 4A, and 4B. We tease out the meanings of words “mind,” “soul,” and “spirit” in different spiritual traditions to show you how these labels have been applied to essences on different poles.
Moving from Understanding to Realization 202 In this webinar, we teach you how to construct a grid of understanding for spiritual ideas. We construct grids of understanding for the attentional principle, the spirit, the Soul, and the Christ Child or Moon Soul nucleus of identity of the First Planetary Initiation.

We explain how you then transcend the conceptual understanding of the essence to contemplate it with the attention directly.  We define the seven principles of meditation that enable you to make the leap into realization.
Using Maps of Consciousness to Journey within 203 This webinar discusses how you can use maps of consciousness to journey to your key spiritual essences, by which you are able to do inner work. We explain the eight ways you can experience a spiritual essence.

We explore moving attention along the thread of consciousness to locate a focal point, and you will learn seven ways to withdraw your attention from the waking state of consciousness.
We discuss purposive meditation, and identify the seven common targets for purposive meditation. You will learn about what vehicles of consciousness are, and how you can study those vehicles of consciousness.
I Am Meditating, but Where the Heck Am I? 204 Many meditators, when they begin their practice, often experience the sensation that their attention is moving in inner space. They feel that they are somewhere “inside”—away from the grounded state of awareness—but they cannot identify where they are. They may be sensing certain phenomena such as feelings, sound, or visual images, but they have no reference for what they are experiencing.

In this webinar, we discuss seed atoms of vehicles of consciousness. We show you how you construct an inner map to identify what vehicle of consciousness your attention is focusing. And the process of mapping your personal and transpersonal zone. We explain the difference between absorption (Samadhi) and activating discernment in your higher mind (Buddhi), which enables you to create a map, and ultimately, guide others in meditation.

We also describe reference points, the inner marker that enables you to discern where you are in inner space. We walk you through the process of identifying where you are on the Path through differentiating landmarks for the Divisions, Planes, Subplanes, and Forms.
Going Beyond Technique into Essence 205 In this webinar, we examine what different spiritual traditions seek to achieve when they advocate their spiritual practices of prayer and meditation, what spiritual techniques actually do, and how we use techniques as a skillful means to transcend techniques.

We discuss the seven postures of awareness from which they live their lives. We examine the different markers by which spiritual teachers assess progress in meditation. We explain the seven major forms of transformational process. We identify 37 types of meditation. We discuss the four steps to attain core Realization.
Effective Mantra Use: A Primer for the Perplexed 206 This webinar discusses the uses of mantras for transformation and centering. It answers many questions about the mantras used in the Mudrashram® system of Integral meditation, and to understand the mantras that are used in other systems. Upon completion of this webinar, you should be able to do your mantra correctly.

We review intention as the activating principle for a transformational mantra, and the role that your attentional focus has on what you experience in meditation. We identify which Mudrashram® training programs where you can learn the seven sacred contemplations (Dhyan). You are guided in the practice of Microconcentration on the attentional principle, and we review the steps of activating your Quintessence mantra.
What the Soul Does When It Undergoes Initiation 207 Many meditators assume that to simply do their transformational mantra is enough, and the Soul will make steady and continual progress each day—never pausing, never waiting—just moving ahead. Actually, this is not correct, because at some stages of the Soul’s journey, the Soul must pause to integrate its insights; at other stages it must wait to develop its abilities that play a key role in the actualization of its Aeonic mission.

In this webinar, we explore the levels of the Soul’s expression, what the Soul needs to do to integrate its new experiences, and to express the new love, wisdom, and power that arises at each new nodal point of the Path. You learn how to identify whether what you are doing is in tune with your Soul’s purpose by meditating on your forms of identification. We also explore the relative integration between personality and the spiritual essence with which one identifies, and show you the eight protective factors that allow you to function optimally.
An Overview of Effective Meditation: Enhancing the Practice of Raja Yoga 208 In this webinar, we focus first on gaining perspective on what are the seven purposes of meditation, and how you can use them in daily life. We identify the meditations in the Mudrashram® system of Integral meditation that serve each of these purposes. We then sharpen our focus on Raja Yoga, which is the noetic aspect of meditation.

Since Raja Yoga is one of the core techniques of Integral meditation, it is important for all serious Mudrashram® students to master this method. We go over the 14 steps of this process, and you can assess which facets of this practice you need to (a) learn, and (b) achieve proficiency with the technique.

We describe the stages of inversion of the attention from the external world in the Preparatory Phase to the inner realms of the mind. We explain the role of the attention in the Activation Phase. Intermediate Phase, and Advanced Phase of meditation.
Inner Seeing and Hearing Revisited 209 In this webinar, we discuss how you turn on your inner vision and hearing, and what are some of the obstacles you encounter as you attempt to activate your inner senses.

You will learn about metavision and heart sight. We will explore the role of the ego and karma in hindering the different types of inner vision and hearing. We discuss the seven key factors that enable you to access your inner vision and hearing, and how you develop clairvoyance and clairaudience.
You will contemplate your awn facility with inner seeing and hearing, and to notice what has assisted you in improving your inner sensing ability.
Glimpses of the Path Ahead 210 This webinar shows how you can effectively use your time in meditation in the daily spiritual work—e.g., once you finally get to the Soul, what do you do there? It also reveals what are some of the challenges awaiting you on the upward path.

It  sheds light on what it means to make a Soul Choice, and how you can discern this deepest faculty of volition from the other voices within you. We explain the seven characteristics of enlightened choice. We explore the octaves of the will and their influence on decision-making.
Communion With the Guide 211 In this webinar, we explore the role of the inner spiritual guide in spiritual development. There are a wide variety of sources, who give spiritual guidance. Much of this guidance contradicts what other sources of guidance reveal. These sources are contextually anchored on a specific Plane or Path; and they lead the attentional principle or the spirit through specific segments of the Great Continuum of Consciousness.

We reveal the three stages of communion with an Initiate or Master, and the seven methods of contacting the guide. We explain why communion with the guide is important.
We discuss the three types of experiences of merging with the Master’s guide form. We also explain the different forms of the guide that the spirit encounters on the Nadamic Path in each of the 12 domains. We describe the seven competencies of a Nadamic Master.
Practical Objectives of Meditation 321 We clarify what are the practical and spiritual objectives in meditation. We review the human growth continuum, what transformation is, and ways you can bring about transformation at the level of your personality. We also elucidate what is spiritual transformation, what is aspiration, and the keys to using transformational mantra to effect spiritual transformation.



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